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Sales representative Sahid was very helpful and actually listened to what I needed not what wanted. He was honest and...
Visit us in-store or give us a call! 925 Springfield Ave, Irvington, NJ 07111 | (973) 372-8700
Visit us in-store or give us a call! 925 Springfield Ave, Irvington, NJ 07111 | (973) 372-8700

Clean-Slate Upholstery Package

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Ready to relax in style? Our luxurious power seating package doesn't just look fantastic—it also delivers creature comforts and fabulous functionality. Adjustable headrests ensure a perfect view of the TV no matter how far back you recline. Faux leather upholstery, charging features and ambient LED lighting go beyond your typical theater-style experience. Movie nights and chill time just got a whole lot sweeter.

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