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Sales representative Sahid was very helpful and actually listened to what I needed not what wanted. He was honest and...
Visit us in-store or give us a call! 925 Springfield Ave, Irvington, NJ 07111 | (973) 372-8700
Visit us in-store or give us a call! 925 Springfield Ave, Irvington, NJ 07111 | (973) 372-8700

Cavalcade Power Reclining Living Room Set

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Strike a balance between the indulgent comfort you crave and the cool aesthetic you long for with this reclining power set. Offering the cool look of weathered leather, the feel-good slate-tone upholstery takes neutral to new heights. Simply chic tailoring, jumbo stitching and a USB port in the one-touch power control are among the finer details that make all the difference.

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