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Sales representative Sahid was very helpful and actually listened to what I needed not what wanted. He was honest and...
Visit us in-store or give us a call! 925 Springfield Ave, Irvington, NJ 07111 | (973) 372-8700
Visit us in-store or give us a call! 925 Springfield Ave, Irvington, NJ 07111 | (973) 372-8700

Jameson Espresso Hutch & Buffet

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ACME Jameson Hutch & Buffet, Espresso (1Set/2Ctn), 58" x 19" x 77"H, 335Lbs. Update your space with the stylish Jameson dining room collection. This formal group combines the look of rich espresso with the understated styling of traditional design. Brown undertones play to the look of the rectangular dining table with removable leaf. The trestle base with double pedestals add perfectly to the table-s trend forward style. Adding the hutch and buffet to complete its trend forward style. Materials: Wood